Automatic 5-year warranty
We have been providing our customers with a 5-year warranty on a large number of Reflex products and components since 1 January 2020 - from diaphragm expansion vessels and separators to heat exchangers and hot water storage tanks.
Product warranty in detail
Claims under this warranty only exist if:
The product does not exhibit any damage or wear and tear caused by use which differs from the normal purpose and specifications of Reflex,
The product does not exhibit any damage or wear and tear caused by the violation of the following obligations of the customer or end customer:
The product does not exhibit any characteristics that indicate repairs or other interventions by workshops not authorised by Reflex,
The product has only been fitted with accessories authorised by Reflex,
The serial number has not been removed or made unrecognisable, and
The customer, when making their warranty claim, provides proof by presenting the relevant maintenance logs that the product has been regularly serviced by an authorised customer service centre within the intervals to be observed for this purpose in accordance with the user manual.
Consequences of incorrect installation:
Here "Incorrect" refers to all types of installation that have not been carried out by an authorised specialist installation company and which do not correspond to the state of the art according to the national standards (VDI, ÖNORM, EN, DIN, BS, etc.) in their current version as applicable to domestic waterworks and electrical installations. Furthermore, the instructions in item-specific product data sheets, installation and operating instructions, as well as the defined warranty conditions must be complied with without exception. Installations deviating from these regulations are considered to be incorrect and lead to the immediate exclusion of liability and loss of all warranty claims.
The travel and work of Reflex Service will be charged at the relevant rates.