
To actively shape our future, collaborative efforts within our sector as well as on cross-sector issues is essential and significantly increases the chances and opportunities to make a positive impact on economic and societal trends. We use these opportunities across all levels, whether they are of an economic or collaborative nature.

ARGE Neue Medien

ARGE Neue Medien is a consortium of over 120 brand-name manufacturers in the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning sector which has established a standard for production data and data formatting for the three-stage distribution channel. The sanitation, heating and air-conditioning sector without ARGE Neue Medien is now almost unthinkable. ARGE sets standards for digital data transfer and optimisation of electronic ordering processes.

Product data and documents from the leading sanitation, heating and air-conditioning manufacturers are made available on this platform as a free service to professionals from the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning sector for their work. Find out more from the attached flyer or register directly on

An important component is the data transfer standard set up over ten years ago which was originally distributed via the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning sector portal but is now available from, the high quality data provision service for the trade and tradespeople.