Products and holistic solutions for building and supply technology
Reflex stands for comprehensive solution expertise in water-distribution building and supply technology. Guided by the proven and forward-looking ‘Thinking Solutions’ model, we focus on integrated solutions that emphasise the synergies of the Reflex and Sinus product lines. We see ourselves as a driving force in the development of first-class products, intelligent concepts and highly efficient solutions for systems of any size and level of complexity.
- First-class German engineering
- Years of experience with the underlying technology
- Solutions optimally matched for efficiency and sustainability
Product solutions for reliable and efficient operation of your systems
Pressure maintenance technology
Pressure maintenance technology has an important role to play in water-distribution systems. It maintains pressure within reliable limits at every point in the system, compensates volume fluctuations resulting from temperature fluctuations, and balances systemic water losses.
The correct pressure conditions are essential for heating, solar and cooling water systems, as well as pressure-boosting systems, to function perfectly. Just like all other media, the volume of water changes with the temperature. However, unlike other liquids, water does not expand in direct proportion to the temperature. As water is not compressible, this produces a rapid increase in pressure in closed systems when the temperature changes. Pressure is maintained at its optimum level (depending on the point of installation) by two different pressure-maintaining systems:
static pressure-maintaining systems
dynamic pressure-maintaining systems
Separation technology
Venting and separation technologies reliably extract gas bubbles, dirt and sludge particles from the system, thus significantly improving water quality. This results in enhanced operational reliability, a longer service life, less maintenance and more efficient energy transmission.
Gas pockets in water heating/cooling systems can impair their functionality to the extent that entire components and systems can break down completely. They reduce energy transmission efficiency and create the risk of corrosion. Corrosion encourages the formation of dirt and sludge in heating and cooling circuits which, in turn, can result in further impairment of the entire system. Every technology which facilitates degassing/separation has a characteristic efficiency in terms of degassing and separation performance. The Reflex Servitec vacuum spray tube degassing system is the most powerful system here. Combining dirt and sludge separators produces very efficient synergies for optimising the operation of technical water facilities.
Manifold technology
Manifold technology controls the hydraulic circuits in an overall system. It thus ensures centralised distribution or decoupling between the generator and consumer circuits.
Manifold technology is a key area of expertise for Sinusverteiler which has almost 40 years of pioneering innovations to rely on. The sine curve is part of the manifold brand. In terms of design, the flow and return chambers are arranged such that they align due to the sine curve running through the centre, and are therefore used to save space in increasingly narrow heating centres. This unique design provides further benefits by ensuring that laminar flow conditions are maintained which keeps pressure losses and heat transfer to a minimum.
Water storage technology
Water storage technology provides storage and, when necessary, heating for potable, service, heating and cooling water in the supply technology.
Using storage solutions in heating and cooling systems saves primary energy and increases operating safety. Not only do they ensure hydraulic balancing and prevent pulsing of the heat generator, they can also be combined with solar thermal systems and heat pumps.
By adjusting the construction and thermal insulation concepts, our hot water storage tanks meet the highest demands for low standing losses and high efficiency potentials. This allows you to make your living space more comfortable while reducing energy consumption and protecting the environment.
Heat exchanger technology
Heat exchanger technology is used to separate water circuits with different operating parameters such as pressure, quality or content. This ensures they have a highly efficient heat exchange while keeping flow resistance to a minimum.
Heat exchangers are used to separate circuits with different operating parameters such as different operating overpressures, water content or water quality, for example in underfloor heating systems, district heating systems, potable water heating, solar systems or cooling systems for machines. Your project: to ensure highly efficient heat exchange with the lowest possible flow resistance.
Longtherm heat exchangers operate on the counter-flow principle in which the two fluids flow past each other in the heat exchanger in opposing directions, enabling the most efficient exchange of heat.
Make-up technology
Make-up technology ensures that the heat transfer medium in a system is always available in sufficient quantity and quality. This is required in heating and cold water systems to achieve optimal heat transport with minimal loss during transfer.
A basic precondition for optimum heat transport and heat transfer with minimum losses is a heat transfer medium which must be available in sufficient quantity as well as sufficient quality. Reflex make-up systems avoid low water levels, prevent air problems, and achieve system separation from potable water systems. Because our systems combine three functions in one: system separation, water treatment and make-up water monitoring.