Reflex, Refix
Diaphragm expansion vessels
Wherever there is a need for the correct pressure, that’s where you will find Reflex pressure maintenance systems. As the market leader, Reflex services many different application areas: from solar systems in homes, via direct installation in boilers, to drinking water supplies in residential complexes.
Reflexomat, Variomat
Pressurisation Systems
We offer a broad portfolio of pressurisation stations to enable automated and precise pressure maintenance in systems with the broadest spectrum of different requirements.
Fillset/Fillcontrol, Fillsoft
Water make-up systems & treatment technology
A heat transfer medium needs to be constantly available at a sufficient quantity and quality no matter what the size of the system. Local requirements such as water quality also need consideration. Reflex water make-up and water treatment technologies put you always on the safe side.
Servitec, Servitec Mini
Degasazione in sottovuoto e reintegro automatico
Soluzioni di degasaggio per tutte le dimensioni di impianto Vivere, fare shopping, lavorare e produrre: città significa diversità.
Exvoid, Exdirt, Extwin
Tecnica di separazione
Le tecniche di Reflex per la degasazione e la separazione comportano che microbolle, impurità e fanghi vengono eliminati in modo affidabile dal sistema e quindi migliorano la qualità dell’acqua in modo significativo. Il risultato: un funzionamento più affidabile, durata di vita dell’impianto maggiore, meno interventi di manutenzione e un efficiente scambio termico.
Brazed and gasketed heat exchangers
Reflex heat exchanger systems are used to separate media or circuits and can be adapted to almost any requirement profile — from underfloor heating and solar and potable water systems to machine cooling or indirect district heating connections.
Hot water storage tanks
Expectations are growing constantly when it comes to the comfort of our own home. At the same time, environmental protection demands reductions in energy consumption. Reflex potable water and buffer storage tanks make it possible to combine both aspects effectively.
SINUS Multiflow Center & SINUS Multiflow Expert
Multivalent solulutions
The trend toward increasingly efficient hot- and cold-water systems is leading to numerous innovations in building technology. One such innovation is the idea of integrating plant systems with different temperature levels into an overall system.
SINUS HydroFixx
Il collettore con compensatore idraulico integrato
Grazie alla verificabilità scientifica del funzionamento e alle diverse migliaia di impianti in funzione in tutta Europa, Sinus HydroFixx appartiene ad uno dei prodotti più innovativi di collettori di distribuzione dell’ acqua in impianti di riscaldamento o raffreddamento. Semplice, compatto ed efficace!
Project & special solutions
Our portfolio for customised facility planning
The project sales team sees itself as your full-service partner in every aspect of water-bearing building technology. You can depend on the concentrated sectoral expertise of our well-coordinated team of experts when it comes to complex major projects.
Data centres
Solutions for water-bearing systems in highly sensitive environments
When it comes to the sensitive environment of data centres, any building technology applications involving the supply and delivery of water need to offer the utmost reliability and accuracy. As a full-service partner, Reflex has its own Project Sales team that specialises in the planning and design of water-bearing systems in complex, large-scale plants and highly sensitive environments.