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Reflex Solutions Pro
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Despre Winkelmann Building+Industry
Winkelmann Building+Industry es una unidad de negocio del Grupo Winkelmann.
Despre Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
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Despre Winkelmann Building+Industry
Heating Plant
User: Gateshead Council
local heating network
separation, pressure maintenance, skid
Performance parameter
System volume: appr. 660.000 Liter
Power: 22,5 MW
Reflex was commissioned to create a robust, customized solution to facilitate a district energy network and Combined Heat & Power (CHP) Centre in the Gateshead Quays area. Due to on site space constraints, the specification demanded a great deal of flexibility in the pressurisation maintenance station manufacturers approach. The task was to create a solution which could not only accomodate the system heat load but to also satisfy the space restictions within the plant room
Product solution
1 x Variomat Giga GS 1.1, control unit
1 x Variomat Giga hydraulic module
1 x 8,000 litre Reflex basic vessel
3 x 8,000 litre Reflex secondary vessels
1 x extension module
4 x diaphragm rupture detector
1 x Servitec special system 90-4
1 x skid base incorporating all but the 8,000 litre vessels
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Achieved goals
Creating a customized solution including a packaged pressure maintenance station/ vacuum degasser and specific vessels resulted in lower installation costs and a more efficient solution. Residents in the area will be able to enjoy reduced exposure to Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) and Climate Change Levy.
On-going heating plant maintenance, servicing and replacement costs will be reduced
An estimated 400 homes and 6 public buildings will benefit with capacity to significantly increase the network in the future.