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Despre Winkelmann Building+Industry
Winkelmann Building+Industry es una unidad de negocio del Grupo Winkelmann.
Despre Reflex Winkelmann GmbH
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Despre Winkelmann Building+Industry
Salt water and leisure pool/Charlottenhöhe district heating system
Client and operator: ENRW Energieversorgung Rottweil GmbH & Co.KG Rottweil/ Execution by Sülzle Kopf GmbH
Commissioning August 2017
swimming pool
separation, pressure maintenance, skid
Replacement of the existing pressure maintenance and upgrade to reflect best engineering practice.
Leveraging of the limited space and simplification of the hydraulic system
Maximum supply reliability and minimisation of failures
Product solution
2 x Variomat Giga GH 100, compound connection on 1200 x 1200 x 1700 skid
Variomat Giga GS 3 control module, Reflex Profibus-DP bus module
Variomat Giga GG 4000 primary vessel
4 x Variomat Giga GF 4000 secondary vessel
Exdirt D125 dirt separator with flange and Exferro magnet insert
Reflex G 400
1 of 1
Achieved goals
So far, operation has been trouble-free with no additional effort required. The twin system has already proven its performance capabilities.
Degassing commenced in continuous operation before now being performed at regular intervals, which saves even more energy. By the same token, the pressure maintenance pumps only switch on when needed (whereas they used to run continuously).